- Writing -
Dr. Maryanne Coutts
Writing and curating primarily explore the areas of drawing, time and technology.
- Dress and Death: Metaphors for Daily Drawing |View PDF|
- Drawing Now: Drawing, Memory and the Present Moment |View PDF| (110KB) or |Download| as a Microsft Office document (48KB)
- Russel Drysdale. Drawing Eyes: The Search for the Real |View PDF| (127KB) or |Download| as a Microsft Office document (40KB)
- Dena Ashbolt: Video Drawing - Catalogue essay |View PDF| (48KB) or |Download| as a Microsft Office document (28KB)
- Non-sequitur: The Accidental Narrative |View PDF| (140KB) or |Download| as a Microsft Office document (55KB)
- Black News White News, project notes |View PDF| (50KB) or |Download| as a Microsft Office document (24KB)